Hair Loss 101

Hair Loss 101

The Bald Truth

Learn more about the causes of hair loss and what you can do to prevent it.

The problem 

The most prevalent type of hair loss is Male Pattern Baldness, or androgenetic alopecia. Surprisingly, it occurs earlier than anticipated, with around 2 out of 3 men facing some degree of MPB by the age of 35. Despite the progress in scientific research, a cure remains elusive. However, there are established treatments that effectively address its symptoms.

2 out of 3 men will experience some type of Male Pattern Baldness by the age of 35 

  • The Cause

    The primary reason for hair loss is genetics, with baldness being an inherited trait that can come from either side of the family. A recent study revealed that there are 287 genetic regions that play a role in male pattern baldness.

    So how exactly do genetics affect hair loss? Well, your genes determine your scalp's sensitivity to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) — which shortens the growth phase of your hair (which is the first stage in your hair cycle) and begins to deteriorate your hair follicles.

    Hair follicles become smaller and smaller in response to DHT, which in turn, means you're producing thinner and less hair.

    To put it simply, more DHT = more chance of Male Pattern Baldness. 

  • The Medication

    Revyve uses two distinct medications for treating male pattern hair loss and balding, both backed by clinical evidence. The first is an oral medication that functions by inhibiting the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to DHT, the primary cause of hair loss.

    The second medication stimulates and enhances blood circulation around hair follicles, promoting hair growth.

    Our tailored solutions for hair loss encompass various conditions like balding, thinning hair, and receding hairlines. We provide personalized hair loss treatments because we recognize that everyone is different. 

All drugs come with possible side effects.

A common concern with the medication is the possible sexual side effects – like loss of libido or erectile dysfunction. During clinical trials, only 1-2% of users experienced some form of these side effects. In most of those cases, the side effects were experienced in the beginning and resolved over time, both with and without continuing to use the medication. 

Other potential side effects:

  • Irritation to the scalp
  • Unwanted hair growth on the body
  • Burning or irritation to the eye 

How effective are hair loss pills ?

Hair loss pills have a pretty high effectiveness rate. We know that these pills help 83% of men keep their hair, while 66% will regrow their hair and only 1-2% of men will experience side effects.

So what can you expect when you start hair loss pills? 

  • 0-3 months

    Hair loss slows down or stops, and new strands of hair might start to emerge, pushing out the older ones.

  • 3-6 months

    Hair loss may have stopped altogether, and you may notice the onset of new hair growth. Balding patches become less noticeable.

  • 6-12 months

    Your hair becomes thicker, fuller, and stronger all over. Enjoy your new found confidence knowing you can do cool hairstyles again!